Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Creating a demo Oracle 11gr2 database on Windows

In the following pictures I demonstrate how to create a Oracle 11gr2 database using DCA 
(Database Configuration Assistant) 
I assume you have the Oracle software already installed and know where to find DCA
I am demonstrating this create a demo database as my next topic will be how to duplicate(clone) a database using RMAN without using RMAN duplicate command and doing the duplicate manually.

The yellow shows where I can find my DCA 

NAme the database demo. You can choose your own name but remember I will refer to this database as demo.

I did not configure Enterprise manager as it is not needed in my RMAN demo.
You can select Enterprise Manager as it will make your live easier if you are new to Oracle databases.
It will create an entry under you Oralce home and makes live easier as it uses webpages to maintain Oracle.

Use your own password just don't forget it.

I've also untick Flash Recovery

I am using a Windows XP Virtual PC so just use the default. Oracle will use about 40% of total memory.
Click on Finish

This completes create database step 1 of cloning a database on Windows using RMAN but not using the RMAN duplicate command.

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